喜歡英國浪漫詩人拜倫(Lord Byron)的詩,因為俏皮。
他在《唐璜》(Don Juan)裡說,愛情與婚的關係猶如酒與醋。愛情是美酒,但婚姻則是放太久的酒,發酸變成醋了。原本天上神仙滋味,墮落凡塵世物之中,成了庸俗的味道。常言道,結婚是愛情的墳墓。但這個比喻,腐屍味太濃,任人作噁。酒與醋的說法,則有人味多了。
'T is melancholy, and a fearful sign
Of human frailty, folly, also crime,
That love and marriage rarely can combine,
Although they both are born in the same clime;
Marriage from love, like vinegar from wine –
A sad, sour, sober beverage - by time
Is sharpen'd from its high celestial flavour
Down to a very homely household savour. (Canto 3)
Wedded she was some years, and to a man
Of fifty, and such husbands are in plenty;
And yet, I think, instead of such a ONE
“Twere better to have two of five-and-twenty,
Especially in countries near of the sun.
And now I think on’t “mi vien in mente”
Ladies even of the most uneasy virtue
Prefer a spouse whose age is short of thirty. (Canto 1)