約翰霍普金斯大學(The Johns Hopkins University



約翰霍普金斯大學SAIS著名的國際關係學者卜道維(Dave Brown)教授和中國研究系副主任傅瑞珍(Carla Freeman)教授帶領十二名研究生組成的選舉觀察團,來台觀察台灣的立委選舉。台灣民主基金會安排約翰霍普金斯大學師生來台師大訪問,事先約好安排一場學生交流的座談會。我找了英研所和翻譯所相對數量的學生和他們進行交流。









Dear Professor Chuang,


I just want to say thank you for inviting me to receive the students and professors from Johns Hopkins.

This is a great experience for me and I think I have done my best.


Frankly speaking, this is my first time to speak English in front of so many foreigners.

I can hardly believe that I was the first respondent and spoke more than once!!! 

Well, I feel...great!!! And I want to share what I have learned.


It is so amazing when so many people coming from different backgrounds sitting together,

exchanging information and most important of all, trying to understand one another.

Isn't it the core value of language? For so many years, I've tried hard to convince my students

that learning English doesn't mean memorizing rules and vocabulary words but communicating with

people who share different mother tongues. And today, I experienced the magical process and

got a first-hand example to share with my students TOMORROW :)


Critical thinking was another issue popping into my mind when I heard the questions

they posed. Those students are capable of thinking critically (I am clear about critical thinking

after my presetation in your literature class. Ha!!!) and their questions forced me to think critically.

Later I found why it seemed to be difficult for me to address to their questions with ease.

In fact, it was because that I had never thought about them seriously. I just took many things for granted.

I was frustrated, thinking I need more mental exercise. But I am happy, for I start to see things around

with a keener eye. It is a good start, isn't it?


Today, I made a new friend, Christina, and we hit it off right away. We have the same concern about the educational problems and talk a lot about the next generation. She even suggested that we keep in touch afterwards. You know what? Right before I left the restaurant, she told me that I am really different from the teachers she knew and she believed if there are more and more teachers holding the some belief as mine, there must be hope for Taiwan's future. What she said reminded me of your teaching. You always encouraged us to teach differently from teachers who received traditional training and recommended lots of inspring teaching techniques. Christina's compliment reassured me of my belief and I think I have more confidence to stride ahead.  


I am so sorry for writing such a lengthy reflection.

Thank you for reading my scribble. I hope you can understand the mental stir I've experienced.


Thank you again!




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